Contract Management

Construction Advisory Services

Project Delivery involves many forms of procurement methodologies such as Design-Bid-Build (DBB), Design-Build (DB), Construction Management at Risk (CMAR), Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC), and Public Private Partnerships (PPP).

CPM Construction uses well-established practices to execute projects successfully under a variety of alternative delivery methods. Our teams make use of creative techniques that apply state-of-the-art technology to achieve the goals of our clients, while implementing sensible and efficient processes with the contribution of all stakeholders. Throughout all project phases, we prioritize assurance and compliance, and we pride ourselves on delivering projects that completely satisfy the needs of our clients.

We offer our extensive experience managing the following delivery methods:

Traditional Design, Bid, Build (DBB)

Design and construction services are divided among different entities with separate contracts and separate work, customarily rolled out in sequential project phases: design, procurement, and construction.

Design/Build (D/B) and Fast Track

Construction typically commences prior to the completion of the design. Project designers and contractors work with the project owner to provide architectural, design, and construction services, typically under a single contract. Variations to this contracting arrangement may include separate design and construction contracts, with construction sometimes performed under a ‘Not to Exceed’ (NTE) or ‘Guaranteed Maximum Price’ (GMP) form of contract.

Construction Management at Risk (CMAR)

Under the contract with the owner for the development and design phases, the CM assumes the risk for construction performance as the equivalent of a general contractor, holding and managing all trade subcontracts during the construction phase.

Early Contractor Involvement (ECI)

Following a two-stage contracting methodology, an integrated team of the owner, engineer, and contractor collaborate from an early point in the design to shape the final requirements, prior to placing the construction contract.

Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC)

The detailed engineering design of the project, procurement of all the equipment and materials, and construction, commissioning, and handover of the facility is managed by a single point of responsibility contractor.

Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management (EPCM) / Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management, Validation (EPCM(V))

The owner contracts a consultant team to provide front-end engineering design, procurement, and construction management services as well as overseeing the final design, construction, and commissioning, which is typically performed by a lump sum turnkey contractor.

Variations to the contracting arrangement in the Industry market sector include providing documentary evidence that the design, installation, and operation of a manufacturing facility are compliant with the required standards.

Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)

All primary parties (including the owner, designer, and builder) form a partnership and collaborate to deliver the project, sharing risk, responsibility, and liability throughout all project phases.

Public Private Partnership (PPP or P3)

A medium to long-term business venture through which a public entity contracts with the private sector (typically a team comprising a developer, financier, engineer, contractor, and operator) to deliver public sector service obligations.

Choosing the right form of contract is an important decision to reflect the specifics of the project in terms of size, nature complexity and client objectives amongst other factors. CPM Construction provides expert advice to enable the right decision to be made and then administers the contract implementing controls and procedures for successful project delivery.