For Contractors

CPM construction is a progressive and competitive company. We are constantly seeking to improve our services to our clients by keeping abreast of the latest innovations and developments in technology. We are always looking for ways to save our clients time and money, and make projects run more smoothly and efficiently.

The construction industry in Georgia has rapidly expanded. Due to this expansion, the services provided by Contractors must improve in terms of performance and quality of work, in order to meet the construction project goals and objectives to the client’s satisfaction. With that in mind, our Contractors Transformation Service is created with the goal of empowering the Georgian construction industry.

How We Work:

Phase 1: Strategic choice

In order to answer the question “What do you want to achieve?”, we use the most recent strategic thinking and modelling techniques to work with directors and their teams to determine a thoughtful strategic choice.

Phase 2: Analysis

CPM uses proven diagnostic, research, and investigative methods. We are experienced in conducting in-depth analyses of an organization’s current ability to support the development of a plan for the implementation of subsequent phases.

Phase 3: Implementation

The implementation phase turns plans into action. From people, leadership and team development, to process engineering and system integration, we are able to tap into a highly-developed set of business improvement techniques to encourage the application of strategic change.

Phase 4: Performance measurement

CPM’s intimate knowledge of the engineering and construction sector enables us to implement effective measurement techniques that will guide the organization toward successful outcomes.

